Kunst 2018 Zurich – Asareh Akasheh


Asareh Akasheh

Kunst Zurich 2018

In her works, the Iranian artist Asareh Akasheh deals with the theme of the human body and its skin. Influenced by her cultural background, the young woman tries to find her way to her own “body” through her art. The project “Paper as Skin” is based on the idea that paper can be seen as the skin of nature. In her art, Asareh combines the skin of human beings with the “skin of nature” and thus creates a work of art that includes both creation and decomposition at the same time. For two and a half months, the artist worked on her project during an artist residency in „Les Alisiers“. Focus was on the production of handmade paper for her works. Decomposing plants were reduced in size and then cooked with natural pigments and pestled.

Exhibition details PDF

Article in NZZ Feuilleton, 25/10/2018

Article in Corriere del Ticino, 02/10/2018