The Olivier von Schulthess Collection is devoted to the work of young, contemporary artists. Classical oil paintings, as well as installations compiled from recycled found objects—Olivier von Schulthess is fascinated by the materials and media artists work with and within. The collector, who grew up in Basel, not far from the exhibition hall, has always been inspired by the freedom with which art expresses and divests itself.  And until today, precisely this independence and freedom of art have played a key role in his collection. Works that operate at the interface of art and everyday life shape the collection, which is devoted to works on paper. Olivier von Schulthess is, in connection with this, particularly fond of textual content within images and typographical design elements. His collection contains the work of roughly forty international artists. Maintaining a personal relationship and cultivating a productive and inspiring dialogue with these artists are especially important for the collector.

For this reason, no least, alongside the development of the collection, von Schulthess called to life the Les Alisiers Artist Residency—a work retreat for the artists represented in his collection. Beyond that, exhibitions, other art-related projects, and the publication of art books are among the key components of his activity as collector and patron of the arts.